Merge Sort
> mergeSort :: [Integer] -> [Integer] > mergeSort [] = [] > mergeSort [x] = [x] > mergeSort [x,y] = case (x>y) of > False -> [x,y] > True -> [y,x] > mergeSort list = collate (mergeSort a) (mergeSort b) > where (a, b) = splitAt ((length(list)) `div` 2) list
If the list has three or more elements, we split it, sort both, then collate. Haskell integer division is such that, if the list has an odd number of elements, the first will be larger.
> collate :: [Integer] -> [Integer] -> [Integer]
> collate as [] = as
> collate (a:as) (b:bs) = if (a>b) then b:collate (a:as) bs
> else a:collate as (b:bs)
These two lists are sorted, so either a or b will be our smallest element. So, we will collate once for each list element.
- Quick Sort
A similar idea, and an almost identical initial six lines.
> quickSort :: [Integer] -> [Integer]
> quickSort [] = []
> quickSort [x] = [x]
> quickSort [x,y] = case (x>y) of
> False -> [x,y]
> True -> [y,x]
> quickSort list = do
> let (as, b:bs) = splitAt ((length(list)) `div` 2) list
> let [cs, ds] = pivotAbout b as [[],[]]
> let [es, fs] = pivotAbout b bs [[],[]]
> (quickSort (cs++es)) ++ (b:(quickSort (ds++fs)))
We pivot about the middle element, calling a new function that will cleave the list into two: one less, one greater, and put the two into that empty list we give it. We then call quickSort again, on both halves, ordering them correctly.
> pivotAbout :: Integer -> [Integer] -> [[Integer]] -> [[Integer]]
> pivotAbout n [] [a,b] = [a,b]
> pivotAbout n [x] [a,b] = if (x<n)
> then [x:a,b]
> else [a,x:b]
> pivotAbout n (x:xs) [a,b] = if (x<n)
> then pivotAbout n xs [x:a,b]
> else pivotAbout n xs [a,x:b]
These two algorithms are both n(log(n))ish, as they both work by splitting the initial lists in two as many times as necessary. I used the below function to test them.
> list1ton :: Integer -> [Integer]
> list1ton n | n<1 = []
> list1ton n = n:(list1ton (n-1))