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One of the big operations John Conway uses for Surreal Numbers and Game Theory is calculating the mex of a set of naturals. This is short for “minimal excluded element”. mex(1,5,7,2,3) = 4. It is quite simple, but a version of it is to addition what bxor is to multiplication. Let us ask a reasonable question. What is the average mex of a set of $n$ random numbers, selected from an interval spanning from 1 to $n$, inclusive? The first two cases are simple to work out by hand:

mexavg(1) = 2, as the only possible set is [1].

mexavg(2) = 2.25, four equally likely sets, [[1,1],[1,2],[2,1],[2,2]], have mexes of [2,3,3,1], which averages to 2.25.

I wrote a bit of code instead of analyzing the 27 3-cases by hand, which randomly samples a fixed amount, so we can do large numbers. With this data, as demonstrated below, I conjecture that this value approaches $e$ for sufficiently large values of $n$.

   ghci> mexOfNRand 527987395 5
   ghci> mexOfNRand 527987395 10
   ghci> mexOfNRand 527987395 20
   ghci> mexOfNRand 527987395 40
   ghci> mexOfNRand 527987395 80

   ghci> mexOfN 527987395 160
> mN :: Int -> Double 
> mN n = avg (mexEach n (allPossibleSequences n) )

> rep :: Int -> Int -> [Int]
> rep x 0 = []
> rep x n = x:(rep x (n-1))

> allPossibleSequences :: Int -> [[Int]]
> allPossibleSequences n = aPS n 1 (n^n) 

> aPS :: Int -> Int -> Int -> [[Int]]
> aPS n a b  = if a>b then [] else (expand a 0 n):(aPS n (a+1) b)

> expand :: Int -> Int -> Int -> [Int]
> expand a i n = if i==n then [] else (a%n+1):(expand (a//n) (i+1) n)

> mexEach2 :: Int -> [[Int]] -> [Double]
> mexEach2 _ [] = []
> mexEach2 n (ss:sss) = (mex ss 1):(mexEach2 n sss)

> (/%/) :: Int -> Int -> (Int, Int)
> a /%/ b = a `divMod` b

> (%) :: Int -> Int -> Int
> a % b = a `mod` b

> (//) :: Int -> Int -> Int
> a // b = a `div` b

ghci> mN 1
2.0                = 2^1 / 1^1
ghci> mN 2
2.25               = 3^2 / 2^2
ghci> mN 3        
2.3703703703703702 = 4^3 / 3^3
ghci> mN 4
2.44140625         = 5^4 / 4^4
ghci> mN 5
2.48832            = 6^5 / 5^5
ghci> mN 6
2.5216263717421126 = 7^6 / 6^6
ghci> mN 7 
2.546499697040713  = 8^7 / 7^7

Note that lim (n→∞) (n+1)^n / n^n = lim (n→∞) (n+1 / n)^n = lim (n→∞) (1 + 1/n)^n, which is the most classic and well known of the e definitions. That the denominator holds is trivial.

	> inst :: Int -> Int
	> inst r = ((1664525*r+1013904223) `mod` (2 ^ 32)) 

	> rng :: Int -> Int -> [Int]
	> rng ornd 1  = [(inst ornd)]
	> rng ornd it = do 
	>   let nrnd = inst ornd 
	>   (nrnd : rng nrnd (it-1))

	> listMod :: [Int] -> Int -> [Int]
	> listMod [] _ = []
	> listMod (a:as) b = (((a `div` 79) `mod` b)+1):(listMod as b)

	> mexOfNRand :: Int -> Int -> Double
	> mexOfNRand seed n = do 
	>   let rnds = (listMod (rng seed (n^3)) n)
	>   avg (mexEach n rnds)

	> mexEach :: Int -> [Int] -> [Double]
	> mexEach _ [] = []
	> mexEach n rnds = do 
	>   let (as,bs) = splitAt n rnds
	>   (mex as 1):(mexEach n bs)

	> mex :: [Int] -> Int -> Double
	> mex as m = if m `elem` as then (mex as (m+1)) else realToFrac m

	> avg :: [Double] -> Double
	> avg ds = (sum' ds) / (realToFrac (len ds))

	> sum' :: [Double] -> Double
	> sum' []     = 0.0
	> sum' (d:ds) = d+(sum' ds)

	> len :: [a] -> Int
	> len []     = 0
	> len (a:as) = 1+(len as)