The fibonacci sequence is like 1 and 1 and so on.
> fibrec :: Integer -> Integer
> fibrec 0 = 0
> fibrec 1 = 1
> fibrec n = fibrec (n-1) + fibrec (n-2)
ghci> fibrec 33
-- took more than 15 seconds to run.
What if we want the 75th term? Dr. Yorgey is right: floats can’t help us, not even with the Lucas numbers. Infinite fractions, while easily defined recursively and super cool, are for later.
enter matrices of format
| a b |
| b c |. "symmetrics".
| a b | | d e | | ad+be bd+ce |
| b c | # | e f | = | bd+ce be+cf |,
which preserves symmetry, as can be demonstrated by bd+ce equals itself.
Observe the behavior of the a=b=1, c=0 matrix on repeated multiplications:
ghci> [[1,1],[1,0]] # [[1,1],[1,0]]
ghci> [[2,1],[1,1]] # [[1,1],[1,0]]
ghci> [[3,2],[2,1]] # [[1,1],[1,0]]
ghci> [[5,3],[3,2]] # [[1,1],[1,0]]
I will note ominously that matrix multiplication is associative, appealing to Wikipedia.
Hey, let’s say we have a symmetric matrix where a=b+c. One such matrix is a=b=1,c=0, but it could be any.
| a b | | 1 1 | | a+b a | | a+b a |
| b c | # | 1 0 | = | b+c b | = | a b |.
We know that the symmetry will remain, and a=b+c. The property of d=e+f also remains, with each new term being the sum of the other two. These properties remain on repeated iterations, we can conclude inductively, and a sequence of sums of the two previous terms, starting with two ones, must be the Fibonacci. Thus,
| 1 1 | | F_n+1 F_n |
| 1 0 | ^ n = | F_n F_n-1|
ghci> mpow [[1,1],[1,0]] 2
ghci> mpow [[1,1],[1,0]] 3
ghci> mpow [[1,1],[1,0]] 4
ghci> mpow [[1,1],[1,0]] 5
ghci> mpow [[1,1],[1,0]] 75
Because matrix multiplication is associative, we can format our brackets to look something like a binary tree without changing the answer. For example, if we square [[1,1],[1,0]] 6 times, the diagonal will read the 64th fibonacci number. This can be exploited to only do log_2 n matrix multiplications, giving us fibonacci numbers even faster.
> binarympow :: [[Integer]] -> Integer -> [[Integer]]
> binarympow m p = do
> let bs = [d+1 | d <- [0..(log2 p)], (p // (2^d)) % 2 == 1]
> bmp2 bs m [[1,0],[0,1]]
> bmp2 :: [Integer] -> [[Integer]] -> [[Integer]] -> [[Integer]]
> bmp2 [] im nm = nm
> bmp2 (b:bs) im nm = bmp2 bs im (nm # (mrec im b))
> mrec :: [[Integer]] -> Integer -> [[Integer]]
> mrec m 1 = m
> mrec m i = mrec (m # m) (i-1)
> mpow :: [[Integer]] -> Integer -> [[Integer]]
> mpow m i = mp2 m m i
> mp2 :: [[Integer]] -> [[Integer]] -> Integer -> [[Integer]]
> mp2 l r 1 = r
> mp2 l r i = mp2 l (l # r) (i-1)
> fib :: Integer -> Integer
> fib i = (binarympow [[1,1],[1,0]] i) !! 1 !! 0
ghci> fib 33
-- same answer as recursive, in microseconds.
ghci> fib 75
ghci> fib 74
ghci> fib 73
ghci> fib 14
ghci> fib 140
ghci> fib 1400
ghci> fib 14000
fib of one million was much longer than I feel like including but calculated in under ten seconds. The last digit is five. Note
ghci> 140 % 60
ghci> 1400 % 60
ghci> 14000 % 60
ghci> 1000000 % 60
ghci> fib 20
ghci> fib 40
> log2 :: Integer -> Integer
> log2 1 = 1
> log2 x = 1+(log2 (x // 2))
> (#) :: [[Integer]] -> [[Integer]] -> [[Integer]]
> (#) xss yss = do
> if len yss == len (xss !! 0)
> then rect (len xss) (mm2 0 (len xss) (len (yss !! 0)) (len yss) xss (transpose yss))
> else []
> rect :: Integer -> [Integer] -> [[Integer]]
> rect n [] = []
> rect n xss = do
> let (yss,zss) = splitAt (fromIntegral n) xss
> yss:(rect n zss)
> mm2 :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> [[Integer]] -> [[Integer]] -> [Integer]
> mm2 i r c f xss yss = if i == r*c then [] else do
> let (a,b) = i /%/ r
> (dot (xss !! (fromIntegral a)) (yss !! (fromIntegral b))):(mm2 (i+1) r c f xss yss)
> dot :: [Integer] -> [Integer] -> Integer
> dot [] [] = 0
> dot (x:xs) (y:ys) = (x*y)+(dot xs ys)
> transpose :: [[Integer]] -> [[Integer]]
> transpose mx = init (split (len mx) (transpose2 0 (len mx) mx))
> transpose2 :: Integer -> Integer -> [[Integer]] -> [Integer]
> transpose2 i n os = if i==(n*n) then [] else
> ((os !! (fromIntegral (i % n))) !! (fromIntegral (i `div` n))):(transpose2 (i+1) n os)
> split :: Integer -> [Integer] -> [[Integer]]
> split i is = if i>(len is) then [is] else do
> let (as,bs) = splitAt (fromIntegral i) is
> as:(split i bs)
> len :: [a] -> Integer
> len [] = 0
> len (a:as) = 1+(len as)
> (/%/) :: Integer -> Integer -> (Integer, Integer)
> a /%/ b = a `divMod` b
> (%) :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
> a % b = a `mod` b
> (//) :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
> a // b = a `div` b