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I tried and failed last year to write an English parser that generated meaning-preserving translations in Toki Pona.
There are a couple of aspects of Toki Pona that make it difficult for computers: most words have several definitions
spanning multiple parts of speech, and there are often multiple tactics for translations of words that have similar

"Turing-Completeness", with regards to programming languages, means that one is capable of manipulating, storing, and
reading data. A barebones example is the language "Brainfuck," with only six commands. In practice, most programming
languages are Turing-Complete, and as such, all are capable and incapable of similar things. Natural Language can be
used to represent all known human concepts, with occasional use of new vocabulary or circumlocution. One of the 
simpler Chinese words that gets floated as an example with no English equivalent is "吗 (ma)". This is a sentence
particle, which when placed at the end of a sentence changes it to a question, asking whether what preceded it was 
true or false. For example, "You're happy 吗" = "Are you happy (y/n)"? There isn't an English word that carries this
meaning, but there is an English phrase (": is that so?"), as well as other techniques for translating yes/no questions
to English. In general, natural languages can all express roughly equivalent semantic concepts. This is somewhat like 
Turing-Completeness: I'll call it "Chomsky-Completeness," because I am an ardent leftist. 

Def. "Chomsky-Complete" - of a language, capable of representing arbitrary semantic concepts, only using loanwords to 
represent previously unknown materials or animals. 

What follows is an attempt at a modular, lightweight constructed language without these traits, specifically intended
for algorithmic analysis of semantics. "Circumlocution" is the use of many words when few can supply similar semantic
meaning, ex. "Evasive with truth" -> "Lying". This language relies on this tactic to express complex words like 
"electromagnetic" or "questionnaire". There are 32 characters in the alphabet, including spaces. 


A simplified "Generative Grammar" of English looks like this. Brackets around a term mean that it is optional.

<S>  := Sentence
        ex. "I'm feeling good today."
<NP> := Noun Phrase
        ex. "The hairy dog", "All chimpanzees", "I"
<VP> := Verb Phrase
        ex. "walked slowly", "pulled the casserole out of the oven"
<CP> := Context Phrase
        ex. "into a life", "and Fred"

<S> := <NP> <VP>
<NP> := [Det] [Adj] Noun [PP]
<VP> := Verb [NP] [PP] [Adv]
<CP> := Prep NP [Adv]

A Noun is a person, place, thing, idea, or phenomenon. A Prep is either a preposition or conjunction, capable of 
linking two NPs, or a VP to an NP. "Det" is short for "Determiner".

In this language, there are 18 parts of speech. 

MATERIAL   - noun or adjective, like "glass", "metal", "oil".
ANIMATE    - human or visible non-sessile creature.
OBJECT     - common shape or format.
DEVICE     - specialized object used by humans for a particular purpose.
PLACE      - particular position, event, or subset of the universe.
CONCEPT    - invented construct that cannot be seen. 
PHENOMENON - common condition that was discovered, not created. 
MEASURE    - countable quantity. 
ORGAN      - part of an animate. 

DETERMINER - quantitative or relative designator of members of a class. 

CONJUNCTION - word connecting two clauses. 

TRAIT   - Adjective with antonym, describing texture, structure, or lifestyle.
QUALITY - Adjective without antonym, describing color, taste, or emotion. 

ADVERB  - Word modifying an adjective.

MODAL - Verb that precedes another verb, like "do", "have", or "should". 
OBJECTIVE - Verb manipulating a noun. 
CORPOREAL - Action accomplished by using only one's body. 

INTERJECTION - Social nicety or emotional outburst. 





  efem      - one of the following gaseous materials.
    Ar      - the gas present in the atmosphere, mainly nitrogen
    cadO    - vacuum, shadow; absence of light, air, or matter
    wexr    - state of atmosphere regarding heat, dryness, wind, rain, etc
    oksEjin - oxygen, air as or before it is inhaled by a living organism
    Elyum   - helium
    Idro    - hydrogen
    fUm     - carbon dioxide, monoxide - air exhaled by organism or machine.
    klrIn   - chlorine
    mexAn   - methane, farts

    enrjE   - energy, calorie, force, thrust; power to provide heat or movement
    bUm     - violent explosion or expansion of energy 
    fIr     - bright warm light produced through combustion
    lIt     - the natural agent that makes things visible
    magne   - force that pulls magnetized objects together
    pEka    - electric energy produced by charge, magnets, or other  
    radEO   - GPS, radio, cell service, 5G; inaudible waves through which data is sent
    smOk    - visible gaseous emission of burning or boiling substance
    odEO    - vibrations that can be heard, which can convey speech, music, etc.
    Odr     - a distinctive smell or scent
    glO     - euphoria, bliss, joy; positive physical sensation
    pAn     - pain, hurt, suffering; physical suffering or discomfort caused by illness or injury
  likwid   - one of the following liquid materials.
    asid   - corrosive, sour liquid with low pH. 
    oyul   - oil, wax; a greasy combustible liquid burned to generate heat or power or minimizes friction; insoluble in water
    likr   - alcoholic flammable intoxicant liquid produced by sugar fermentation
    mrkrE  - mercury, quicksilver
    lavu   - magma, lava; molten rock
    sOp    - ammonia, soap, bleach; alkaline liquid used for cleaning
    watr   - transparent, clear liquid composed primarily of H2O 
      rivr   - river, stream, creek; stream of water continuously flowing
      lAk    - lake, pond, ocean; pool of still water
    dArI    - opaque white fluid secreted by female mammal 
    eg      - animal reproductive material
    pis     - piss
    blud    - red liquid that circulates oxygen in vertebrates
    venim   - arsenic, poison; substance capable of causing illness or death to a living organism.
    glU     - an adhesive liquid used for sticking objects together
    Enk     - a colored fluid used for writing or drawing
    slIm    - sauce, toothpaste, sticky-tack, putty, play-dough, oobleck - non-newtonian fluid
    kofE    - coffee, tea, hot cocoa; dark, bitter beverage made by soaking plant matter in hot water
    sirup   - sweet sticky substance primarily consisting of sugar
    sUp     - soup -  edible flavored liquid

  pawdr     - one of the following powdered materials
    salt    - sodium, salt; sodium-based crystal from the sea used in seasoning food. 
    sand    - sand
    spIs    - black pepper, chili; seasoning bearing capsicum or pepper
    klOv    - cinnamon, nutmeg, vanilla; spice used in baking
    mint    - basil, cilantro, fennel; flavorful herb
    mustrd  - mustard, wasabi; pungent, bitter condiment
    kUmin   - savory, earthy spice
    drug    - weed, LSD, opium; non-alcoholic psychotropic substance
    yEst    - spore, mold, pollen, mycelium; minute reproductive unit of plant or fungus
    legUm   - bean, soy, peas; edible pod of seeds from leguminous plant.
    sEd     - seed, nut; hard reproductive unit of a plant.
    grAn    - rice, flour, pasta; grain made up of many small parts.
  solid     - one of the following solid materials
    Is      - ice, snow, frozen liquid
    gold    - gold 
    silvr   - silver
    tasyum  - potassium
    slikon - silicon
    krben  - carbon
    sulfr  - sulfur, brimstone, vitriol, gunpowder; explosive natural material
    plastik - rubber, plastic, latex; tough elastic hydrocarbon.
    linen   - silk, cloth; woven soft fabric used for clothing, carpet, or rags.
    lumbr   - hard, fibrous material inside of trees.
    glas    - transparent, brittle substance used in windows, cups, and spectacles.
    nUk     - radioactive material
    jim     - gold, diamond, precious stone
    asfalt  - brick, concrete, gravel; powdered rock used for roads 
    kOl     - lead, coal, chalk, porcelain; fragile rock that can leave pigment behind on other rocks.
    magnet - magnet
    stOn    - rock, stone; cohesive mineral mass
    metul   - shiny grey conductive sometimes-magnetic material 
    bronz   - copper, brass; shiny brown metal with high thermal conductivity
    cit     - feces
  sesIl   - one of the following living sessile materials
    plant - sessile organism using photosynthesis and reproducing asexually through pollen or seeds. 
    rUt   - root, ginger, turmeric - underground portion of plant 
    lEf   - flat, pliable outgrowth of plant where photosynthesis occurs.
    flawr - petalled, colorful part of plant bearing reproductive matter.
    vIn   - supporting stalk of a plant.
    trE   - wooden, large plant that undergoes a yearly cycle.
    hedj  - grass, shrub, low plant that can be walked through.
    fungI - fungus; visible spore-producing saprophytic filamentous organism
    umEbu - bacteria, plankton, tardigrade; single-celled organism capable of teamwork or spreading disease
    kwIn  - virus, flu, prion, cancer; form of information that multiplies uncontrollably, often leading to sickness
    mos   - moss, algae; plant or fungus with no stalk
    mAngO - apple, peach, mango, avocado; reproductive unit of plant with inedible core
    berI  - tomato, berry; small, pulpy fruit
    lIm   - citrus, orange, lemon, pineapple; acidic fruit
    melun - banana, melon, cucumber - oblong fruit with edible center
    tAtr  - potato, yam; starchy tuberous root vegetable
    unyun - garlic, onion; pungent bulbous plant bearing allium 
    trnup - carrot, beet, radish; mild-flavored root vegetable
    pepr  - gourd, squash, bell pepper; vegetable with a handle on top.
    kabaj - lettuce, brocolli, spinach; mild green leafy vegetable of Brassica genus.
  bodE - body, self
    mEt - dead animal parts used for different purpose 
    lim - arm, leg, wing, fin 
    dijit - finger, toe, tongue 
    hand - hand, foot, hoof 
    nOz - nose, horn 
    belE - chest, abdomen, bottom half of body 
    brest - thorax, breasts, top half of body 
    tAl - back, butt, tail 
    fAs - face, head
    mawx - mouth, beak, sucker, lips
    lung - lung, gill 
    fat - fat, cartilage
    gland - esoteric organ, tissue, kidney
    bOn - bone, claw, tooth, skull
    brAn - brain, nerves, rational sense
    gut - heart, vessels, emotional sense 
    skin - skin, scales
    stumak - stomach, intestine
    bron  - muscles, physical prowess
    fuz  - hair, fur, feathers 
    luins - sexual organ 
    OkO - eye, camera, view, sight
    nek - chin, neck, throat
    fOn - ear, microphone
    wUnd - wound, injury  

koncus - any organism of Animalia or equivalent extraterrestrial kingdom that was at one point alive.

  bug      - any insect, arthropod, or germ.
    ant    - ant, grasshopper, mantis, cricket; terrestrial insect
    bEn    - bee, wasp; stinging, flying, insect.
    nat    - fly, gnat, flea; pesky, buzzing, parasitic insect 
    wrm    - worm, caterpillar, slug - limbless burrowing bug which eats soil.
    lOkust - beetle, roach, roly-poly, cicada; blocky creature resembling a beetle.
    spIdr  - eight-legged arthropod that spins webs and poisons prey, scorpion.
    skEtO  - mosquito, tick; bug which sucks human blood and trasmits disease.
    mox    - butterfly, dragonfly; big-winged, harmless insect 
    molusk - clam, snail, oyster; shelled aquatic invertebrate with soft body
    krab   - shrimp, crawfish, crab; aquatic crustascean with many legs

  akesE - reptile, amphibian; scaly or slimy creature.
    snAk  - snake; long limbless creature with no eyelids and large jaws.
    lizrd - lizard, salamander, croc, dino; akesIn creature with four legs, tail, and eyelids.
    trtil - shelled peaceful slow creature
    tOd   - frog, toad; large-mouthed leaping amphibian with no tail
    fic   - fish; limbless cold-blooded vertebrate with gills and fins that lives in water.
    skwid - squid, octopus; mant-tentacled cephelopod.
    gU    - jellyfish; gelatinous, very simplistic aquatic animal.

  AvEin     - animal with beak, wings, and feathers.
    brd     - robin, mockingjay, songbird; small flying migratory bird
    qikin   - chicken, turkey; domesticated flightless bird farmed for its meat
    pAngwin - flamingo, penguin; large flightless bird that it is immoral to eat.
    duk     - duck, goose; aquatic bird
    awl     - large bird that hunts vertebrates with sharp talons.

  mamul     - warm-blooded mammal that produces milk
    fElIn   - cat, tiger, hyena, feline; lithe mammal with whiskers, sensitive hearing, retractible claws and gritty tongue
    cAnIn   - dog, fox, wolf, canine; long-muzzled mammal with upright ears and strong teeth.
    kamel   - horse, camel; ridable mammal
    bOvIn   - cow, bison; large domesticated mammal which chews its cud.
    wAl     - whale, elephant, seal; large hairless grey mammal
    swIn    - deer, goat, sheep, pig; medium-sized non-ridable hoofed mammal 
    rakUn   - otter, badger, skunk; small-medium solitary omnivorous nocturnal smelly mustelid
    lago    - squirrel, rabbit, beaver; defensive small land mammal 
    crU     - rat, mouse, bat, rodent; gnawing small mammal generally regarded as a pest
    simEan  - monkey, ape, primate; tree dwelling primate with complex brains, depth perception, and grasping hands.
    bAr     - bear, sloth;  large heavy omnivorous mammal of Ursidae

  hUmin    - human, guy, person, someone; a human
    bAbE   - baby, infant; human under four years of age
    spawn  - child, son, daughter; a younger human relative
    famlE  - family; the set of individuals one is related to, by marriage, blood, or prolongued proximity.
    siblin - sibling; a relative within 20 years of age.
    ansetr - grandparent; a relative at least two generations older.
    fren   - friend; an organism that one enjoys but does not love.
    pet    - domesticated animal for companionship
    eksprt - expert; person with exceptionally extensive knowledge on a particular topic.
    gest   - guest; a person invited to visit one's place.
    I      - I; the speaker
    U      - you; the person being spoken to 
    E      - he,she,it; the last object referenced

  grUp  - group, organization; multiple organisms working toward a common goal.
    us  - we; the group, including the speaker
    yal - y'all; the group, including the spoken to but not the speaker
    xA  - they; an external group 

  monstr   - hypothetical creature
    spErit - nymph, angel, minor god; hypothetical representative of phenomena
    AlEin  - alien; extraterrestrial life form, unknown creature
    elf    - fairy, gnome; small humanoid trickster capable of magic
    gOst   - ghost; force guided by particular once-living organism
    rObot  - robot, golem, tulpa; organism created artificially
  jehOva - monotheistic god of Abrahamic tradition

  objekt    - thing; any inanimate object 
    srfis   - floor, roof, board, tray; thin flat surface on which objects may be placed
    cel     - wall, edge, shell, cover; exterior layer or outermost visible portion of an object.
    krak    - hole, gap, orifice, door; empty space within solid object.
    mAtrks  - square, card, page, paper; square-shaped object, usually used for writing or drawing
    cord    - hair, thread, spiral, arc; long, thin, flexible thing.
    srkil   - circle, wheel, ball, clock; circular, spherical, or amorphously round object
    set     - set, box, bottle, battery; unordered collection of objects
    lIn     - line, pen, rail, stack; rigid long thing
    netwrk  - weave, net, web, graph; complex structure with many intersecting lines
    et      - atom, point, dot, drop; elementary unit or particle
    it      - it; the last object referenced
    lEnk    - cross, hinge, elbow, connection; where two objects connect.
    junk    - waste, junk, trash, excrement; unwanted byproducts
    lUpik  - loop, wave, sine, modulus; a recurring cycle
    instins - example, specimen; an instance of the given class 
    dEtAl   - part, section, aspect, layer; particular component of an object or system
    miks    - compound, fusion, combination, mixture;  a mix containing more than one material or influence
    trAs    - residue, trace, souvenir; evidence of previous events
    trap    - trap, liability, risk; a surprisingly bad or dangerous thing
    kopE    - twin, facsimile, duplicate, copy; object very similar looking to another proximate object.

    data    - data, information, genetics, media; a quantity of information with word count exceeding 2^19
    album   - album, book, website, guide; a quantity of information with word count below 2^19 and exceeding 2^14
    song    - statement, article, essay, story; a quantity of information with word count below 2^14 and exceeding 2^5
    vrs     - sentence, verse, phrase, note; a quantity of information with word count below 2^5
    wrd     - word, name; a single distinct meaningful element of language with semantic meaning
    mark    - char, mark, letter, flag; a single character of an alphabet, without semantic meaning
  macEn   - machine, computer, TV, phone; mechanical apparatus with several parts.
    gun     - match, gun, geyser, bomb; device capable of rapid expulsion of material due to pressure or combustion
    switq   - switch, brake, valve, lever; device capable of maintaining one of two states.
    spAd    - plow, hoe, shovel; object used for manipulating dirt
    nAl     - arrow, needle, nail, key; long skinny object with sharp tip used for breaching solids.
    drum    - instrument piano, guitar, horn; device used for playing music 
    lok     - lock, knot, puzzle; difficult but not impossible to breach device
    nIf     - knife, scissors, sword, axe; totally sharp object used for cutting
    medisin - medicine, vaccine, pill, anesthesia; substance used for treatment or prevention of illness or wounds
    glitq   - error, mistake, paradox, contradiction; a small inconsistency 
    frAtaj  - boat, freight train, big-rig; machine for transporting materials long distances
    trAnaj  - bus, metro, airplane; machine that transports many unrelated humans 
    vEklaj  - car, bicycle, glider; privately-owned machine that transports few humans
    vidEO   - video, film, projection; a flat moving image 
    map     - GPS, map, compass, dictionary; a navigational aid that supplies information regarding complex structures
    refrins - reference, sign, variable; an object that represents something beyond itself
    tiket   - form, verification, stamp, patent; a document verifying one's authenticity in some respect
    filtr   - comb, sponge, brush; narrow-toothed or porous object used for cleansing or filtering.
    sOfa    - seat, bed, couch, chair; place where one may sit or lie down.

    pI      - sandwich, dumpling, pizza, taco; bread with filling as a meal 
    kAk     - cake, cookie, pie; sweet pastry
    bred    - bread, toast, tortilla, naan; baked wet yeasty flour
    mEl     - meal, breakfast, lunch, dinner; edible ingredients prepared to be eaten in one sitting
  plAs     - place, address, index, level; a particular position or point in space.
    bAy    - bay, shore, harbor, beach; land near a sea or ocean
    bildin - building, structure, station; roofed structure in which no one lives
    hOm    - house, home; place where someone lives 
    stAj   - stage, theatre; place where performance occurs
    ofis   - office, workplace; place where humans work
    dOjO   - school, college, dojo, academy; place where humans practice or acquire skills
    libri  - library, museum; place where information is stored
    zOn    - room; a part or division of a building enclosed by walls, floor, and ceiling.
    cop    - shop, market, bazaar; place where goods are publicly presented and sold
    status - context, environment; all circumstances that form the background to something
    sitE   - city, town; community of humans living proximately
    cAv    - cave, mine, canyon, underground; accessible area beneath the ground
    Ilend  - island; a piece of land surrounded by water
    srkus  - circus, festival, fair, party; place of mass celebration or socialization
    klub   - park, playground, nature preserve; place intentionally kept underdeveloped for recreation and conservation
    dezrt  - desert, tundra; area with very little foliage and rainfall.
    il     - hill, mountain, bump, protuberance; place that extends above the ground
    bax    - bath, puddle, pool, tub; place where still water collects temporarily
    land   - farm, garden; place where humans cultivate natural resources
    fEld   - field, plain, plateau, range; grassy, flat place
    skI    - sky, space; any place in the universe more than 50 feet above earth's surface
    pax    - path, route, road, bridge; a way or track laid down for travel
    planet - star, planet, satellite, comet; small extraterrestrial object visible from earth
    lUn    - moon; the moon 
    sol    - sun; the sun 
    event  - event, circumstance, situation; a particular time and place. 
  IdEad   - idea, concept; a thought or suggestion

    help     - debt, loan, assistance; work done for another person or organization
    biznis   - business, industry; large-scale economic activity
    munE     - money, tax, reward, prize; object used as payment for work or achievment
    aset     - asset, property, investment, purchase; thing that someone has.
    pawr     - power, control, authority; the ability to control other's lives.
    kultr    - culture, nation, country, society; large group of people united by common lifestyle.
    onr      - honor, reputation; one's general impression upon their community.
    mimrI    - knowledge, memory, history; recollection of past events.
    pacun    - passion, interest, engagement; enthusiasm for a given topic.    
    xeft     - theft, seizure; nonconsensual taking of someone else's property
    lojik    - study, science, math; logical or experimental reasoning.
    mexud    - route, process, algorithm; way of doing something.
    kwErE    - question, problem, doubt; a statement of an unknown that requests further information.
    xErE     - religion, belief, thought, opinion; a proposed, unproven solution to a query.
    law      - rule, law, axiom; a theory treated as fact due to its demonstrable effectiveness.
    jrnil    - news, record, press, report; a summary of events that is presented as truth.
    skeletun - structure, syntax; the underlying organizational structure of a system.    
    kaz      - proof, reason; the cause or explanation of a phenomenon.
    ufekt    - effect, result, answer; the emergent behavior of some initial condition.
    gAm      - sport, game, competition; a controlled contest of mind or body.
    dezIn    - art, design; an intentional arrangement for aesthetic purposes.
    mUsik    - rhythm, music; an artistic arrangement of sounds.
    jOk      - humor, laugh, comedy; humorous incongruence that leads to laughter.
    disEt    - lie, trick, cap, BS; untruthful statement, often to serve one's own needs.
    fantusE  - dream, fiction, ambition; a personal fantasy that helps to understand or guide.
    stIl     - vibe, style, texture, feeling; the general way that something is perceived due to intention.
    flAvr    - taste, odor; the way something is perceived by its nature.
    baluns   - balance, order, harmony; an even and satisfying arrangement.
    kAos     - chaos, anarchy, randomness; a jagged and uneven arrangement.
    los      - loss, erosion, entropy; the absence or process of removing something.
    tindinsE - tendency, habit, routine; a regular, predictable event.
    trafik   - traffic, congestion; excessive accumulation of objects leading to slowdown.
    promis   - guarantee, promise; a statement of future work or results.
    frikcun  - friction, controversy; contrasting goals leading to disagreement.
    prAz     - praise, encouragement; positive feedback so that recipient will continue current behavior.
    pitE     - pity, sympathy, grief; reciprocal negative feelings due to external negativity.
    prOtest  - reaction, resistance; attempts to halt or reverse external stimulus.
    advIs    - advice, recommendation; statements intended for an external change in behavior.
    stres    - pressure, strain; intense stress exterted on something.
    sekritE  - protection, armor; apparatus that affords safety in dangerous situations.
    majik   - magic, witchcraft; the power to influence reality by unknown means
    tIp      - type, category; a subset of objects that share some trait.
    akcun    - verb, action; something that can be done.
    trAt     - adjective, attribute; aspect of an object.
  numbr - amount, number; enumerative numbers, integers.
    lEngx - length, width, depth, inch, foot mile; notion of distance; real numbers.
    kost  - cost, value, price; monetary worth.
    slOp - direction, derivative, gradient; the rate at which something changes.
    sIz - mass, area, gradient, determinent, integral
    agin - again, another
    tIm - year, second, minute; measure of time.
    past - previous, past, before
    naw  - now, still, present
    fUtr - future, following
    nul - no, none, zero
    wun - a, one, first
    sek - 2, second, latter
    tr  - 3, few
    kwa - 4, several
    bit - 8
    heks - 16
    glob - 32
    kyUb - 64
    den  - 128
    lot  - 256
    nekst - next 
    last - last, ending, final
    iny - any, some 
    xE - the, this, that 
    ol - all, every, ever, infinity, each 
    uxr - other, rest, alternatve, disjunction
    Abil - can, able, possible, probable
    not - not, no 
    sUdO - soon, about, approximately, roughly, almost
    sO - so, very 
    wiq - what, which, y/n question 
    mini - many, a lot of 
    resip - point, 1/
    Enuf - enough, sufficient
    sumwat - somewhat, moderately
    bI - by, among, through, using, according
    abaut - about, regarding, around, surrounding
    amung - among, between, in middle of 
    fa    - far, against, out  
    nrx - north, front
    sox - south, behind 
    Est - east, right
    west - west, left
    up   - high, over, top, up
    lO   - low, down, under, bottom 
    in   - in, at, on, with, here
    fr - for, from, per, so that
    from - of, from, originating or deriving from
    lIk - as, like, than, to similar degree/extent
    xat - such that, fulfilling, whatever
    if - if, because, so, unless, provided, since
    but - but, without, exception, disjunction 
    xO - though, despite, whereas, even
    and - and, intersection, minimum, simultaneously
    r   - or, union, maximum, nor 
    ekwil - same, equal
    dif  - different, opposite, instead 
    Exr  - either, xor
    until - until, while
    wix - with, using
    of - off, deactivated, sleeping          | on - on, awake, activated
    rlE - before, early                      | lAt - after, late 
    slO - slow                               | fast - fast, quick, frequent, sudden
    soft - delicate, soft, volatile          | stAbil - hard, stable
    xik  - thick, fat, wide                  | xin - skinny, narrow, thin, diet
    big - big, tall, large, long             | smal - small, short
    compOs - married, composite              | prIm - prime, single, divorced
    strOng - strong                          | wEk - weak
    sAf - safe                               | dAnj - dangerous
    carp - sharp                             | dul - dull, blunt
    frtIl - straight, fertile                | gA - gay, LGBT, barren
    qEp - cheap, poor                        | riq - fancy, rich, royal, elegant
    nU - new, fresh, young                   | old - old, mature
    klEn - clean                             | drtI - dirty, nasty, disgusting
    avrij - average, common, normal          | strAnj - special, strange, odd
    wIz   - wise, smart                      | dum - dumb
    Open  - open, public                     | nepO - closed, private 
    flat - flat                              | smUx - round, smooth
    ful  - full, complete, saturated         | holO - hollow, empty, vapid
    drekt - straight, vertical, direct       | bint - bent, diagonal, crooked
    hot - hot, warm                          | kuld - cold, raw
    wet - wet                                | drI - dry 
    frwrd - forward, ordered, organized      | bakwrd - backward, reversed
    spOs - supposed, evident, dubious, vague | obvI   - obvious, clear  
    fAk - figurative, metaphorical,          | litril - literal, actual, physical, tangible
          theoretical, ephemeral             |
    kemikal - chemical, electronic, natural  | natril - organic, natural, acoustic
    prilel  - parallel                       | krosin - intersecting 
    elastik - elastic, malleable,            | stif - rigid, tight, viscous
              polymorphic, loose             |
    dEp - complex, difficult, deep           | simpil - simple, easy, shallow
    srtin - certain, sure, definite          | stukast - random, stochastic, unsure
    trU - true, correct                      | fals - false, wrong
    jenral - general, absolute               | prtik - particular, specific, relative 
    gud - good, healthy, important           | bad - bad, detrimental
    nesrE - important, necessary             | vestij - frivolous, vestigial, extra 
    nIs - kind, nice                         | krUl - cruel, mean
    srEus - serious, responsible             | silE - foolish, silly
    beluved - dear, precious                 | dredful - wretched, evil
    cOzE - comfortable, cosy                 | tuf     - rough, uncomfortable
    yond - sacred, beyond, holy              | fInit - discrete, finite
    bawnd - bound, trapped                   | lEs   - free, released
    kUl   - cool, awesome, based, popular    | lAm   - stuffy, square, unpopular
    glU   - sticky, magnetic                 | slip  - oily, slippery
    klEr - colorless, clear 
    kulr - colorful, colored 
    blak - dark, black 
    wIt  - light, white, bright 
    yelO - orange, brown, yellow
    red  - red 
    grEn - green
    blU  - blue, grey, dull 
    pEnk - purple, magenta, pink
    glad - happy, pleased, prideful
    sad  - sad, glum, depressed
    frAd - afraid, fearful, paranoid, anxious
    mad  - angry, enraged, frustrated, annoyed
    disgust - disgusted, hateful
    xank - grateful, thankful
    gilt - regretful, guilty, ashamed, embarrased
    srpIs - surprised, shocked
    krEus - curious, interested    
    alUf - bored, sarcastic, ennui-laden
    sAvrE - savory 
    swEt - sweet 
    bitr - bitter 
    sawr - sour 

    bE - be, live, be conscious, exist, become
    dU - do, enact, begin, start
    hav - have, control, own 
    mA - may, have permission to 
    wil - will, prepare, plan 
    kan - can, should, be able to
    cud - shall, should, ought to
    must - must, need, require, gotta
    mAk - make, birth, instantiate, invent, generate  
    stop - stop, abort, strike, end, limit, suspend
    qanj - modify, change, exchange, update
    send - send, give, post, transmit, distribute, publish, upload
    Enkr - increase, increment, grow, develop, add 
    dEkr - decrease, take, degrade, metabolize, subtract
    kopE - replicate, multiply, copy
    div - divide, split     
    git - get, inherit, download, win, keep
    sit - put, place
    lUz - lose, no longer have
    roll, turn, twist, shake, rotate
    distrb - repulse, disturb, bother
    wU - attract, woo
    sel - offer, sell
    qUz - select, choose, judge, determine, decide
    puc - push, coerce, force, lift
    test - test, stretch
    wont - desire, want, hope, envy
    fix - sort, organize, manage, maintain, fix
    oprAt - drive, sail, operate, use
    Uz    - ride, hang
    nEd   - need, require

    spEk - say, talk, discuss, transmit, message, call, ask
    kum - come, approach
    gO - go, travel  
    let - let, allow, permit, excuse, permit
    kinO - know, recognize
    wAt - wait, hold on
    kunsUm - eat, drink, consume, digest
    fOkus - focus, consider, feel an emotion
    xEnk - think, imagine, conjecture, believe
    hold - hold, grip, grab, hug, embrace, carry
    tuq - rub, bump, touch, feel, collide
    sEkrEt - cough, sneeze, blow, discharge, burst, secrete, erupt
    lisen - hear, listen, obey
    kis - kiss, fuck 
    sE - see, look, observe, notice 
    mUv - move, flow, drift, movement
    walk - step, walk, run
    swim - swim, fly  
    akt - act, behave
    slEp - sleep, rest, lay down
    wAk - wake, stand
    sEnk - sit, drop, sink, slip, fall
    jump - jump, hop
    sEm - seem, appear
    fInd - find, discover
    plA - play, dance, sing  
    trI - try, attempt
    luv - love, yearn
    lIk - enjoy, appreciate, like
    rEd - read, understand
    mEt - meet, greet, interview, court, date
    rIt - write, print, type
    lEd - teach, lead, inform, tell, influence
    lrn - learn, experiment, investigate
    dI - die, disappear, rot

    fIt - fight, compete, battle
    srq - hunt, search, pursue
    atak - attack, damage, kick, punch
    kil - kill, destroy, eliminate, crush, smash
    brn - cook, bake, broil, roast, fry, render, sear, barbecue, grill, burn
    pOq - boil,braise, simmer, poach
    sOk - soak, pickle, mascerate
    gambil - risk, gamble, dare

    na  - no
    yes - yes
    Ayo - hello
    bI - goodbye
    plEz - please
    xAnks - "thank you"
    yA - hooray, cheers, toast, woo! let's go!
    polujI - sorry
    gratsI - congratulations
    awrya - "how are you?"
    omI - oy vey! dios mio! Oh my!
    hu - what? huh?
    prden - excuse me
    glisrEn - glycerine; artificial sweetener or vape juice