A Haskell implementation of Continued Fraction Arithmetic.
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}
import qualified Data.Ratio
(//), (%) :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
(//) = quot
(%) = rem
newtype Q = Q (Integer, Integer)
deriving Show
newtype CFrac = CFrac [Integer]
deriving Show
newtype GCFrac = GCFrac [(Integer, Integer)]
deriving Show
see :: Q -> Double
see (Q(a, b)) = (realToFrac a) / (realToFrac b)
-- ghci> see $ Q(4,7)
-- 0.5714285714285714
instance Num Q where
(+) (Q(j,k)) (Q(m,n)) =
let (a,b) = (j*n + m*k, n*k) in
let g = gcd a b in Q(a//g, b//g)
(-) (Q(j,k)) (Q(m,n)) = (+) (Q(j,k)) (Q(-m,n))
(*) (Q(j,k)) (Q(m,n)) =
let (a,b) = (j*m, n*k) in
let g = gcd a b in Q(a//g, b//g)
negate (Q(j,k)) = Q(-j,k)
abs (Q(j,k)) = Q(abs j, abs k)
signum (Q(j,k)) = Q((signum j) * (signum k), 1)
fromInteger j = Q(j, 1)
-- ghci> Q(1,3) + Q(1,6)
-- Q (1,2)
-- ghci> Q(1,3) - Q(1,6)
-- Q (1,6)
-- ghci> Q(1,3) * Q(1,6)
-- Q (1,18)
-- ghci> Q(1,3) / Q(1,6)
-- Q (2,1)
-- ghci> negate $ Q(1,3)
-- Q (-1,3)
-- ghci> abs $ Q(1,3)
-- Q (1,3)
-- ghci> signum $ Q(1,3)
-- Q (1,1)
instance Fractional Q where
(/) a (Q(c,d)) = (*) a (Q(d,c))
recip (Q(a,b)) = Q(b,a)
fromRational r = Q(Data.Ratio.numerator r, Data.Ratio.denominator r)
instance Eq Q where
(==) (Q(x,y)) (Q(m,n)) = (==) (m*y) (n*x)
instance Ord Q where
compare (Q(a,b)) (Q(c,d)) = compare (a*d) (b*c)
divide, modulo :: Q -> Q -> Q
divide (Q(j,k)) (Q(m,n)) = (*) (Q(j,k)) (Q(n,m))
modulo (Q(a,b)) (Q(c,d)) = (Q(a,b)) - (Q(c*((a*d) // (b*c)), d))
-- Q has some flaws. Irrational numbers cannot be represented, and sometimes you want less
-- precision. Ǝ a method allowing both.
-- A continued fraction goes like
-- 1 / (2 + (1 / (3 + (1 / 4))))
-- = 1 / (2 + (1 / (13 / 4))))
-- = 1 / (2 + (4 / 13))
-- = 1 / (30 / 13)
-- = 13 / 30
-- Numerators are always 1. The empty list is equivalent to
-- dividing by zero, as both are not sensible.
q2cf :: Q -> CFrac
q2cf (Q(_, 0)) = CFrac []
q2cf (Q(a, b)) = let CFrac xs = q2cf (Q(b, a % b)) in CFrac ((a // b) : xs)
cf2q :: CFrac -> Q
cf2q (CFrac []) = Q (1, 0)
cf2q (CFrac (x:xs)) = let Q (a, b) = cf2q (CFrac xs) in Q (a*x+b, a)
-- For infinite lists.
cf2q_ :: CFrac -> Integer -> Q
cf2q_ _ 0 = Q (1, 0)
cf2q_ (CFrac[]) _ = Q (1,0)
cf2q_ (CFrac(x:xs)) n = let Q (a, b) = cf2q_ (CFrac xs) (n-1) in Q (a*x+b, a)
-- ghci> cf2q_ (CFrac$ccycle [1]) 5 -> (8,5)
-- ghci> cf2q_ (CFrac$ccycle [1]) 6 -> (13,8)
-- ghci> cf2q_ (CFrac$ccycle [1]) 7 -> (21,13)
-- ghci> cf2q_ (CFrac$ccycle [1]) 8 -> (34,21)
eCF :: CFrac
eCF = CFrac (2 : e' 0)
where e' k = 1 : k+2 : 1 : e'(k+2)
-- ghci> mapM (print . see . cf2q_ eCF) [1..10]
-- 2.0
-- 3.0 Note it oscillates between
-- 2.6666666666666665 below and above the target
-- 2.75 value (2.71828)
-- 2.7142857142857144
-- 2.71875
-- 2.717948717948718
-- 2.7183098591549295
-- 2.718279569892473
-- 2.718283582089552
negateCF :: CFrac -> CFrac
negateCF (CFrac []) = CFrac []
negateCF (CFrac [x]) = CFrac [-x]
negateCF (CFrac (x:y:zs)) = clean $ CFrac (-x-1 : 1 : y-1 : zs)
clean :: CFrac -> CFrac
clean = q2cf . cf2q
-- This function rewrites numbers so that they do not contain
-- negatives or zeroes after the first number, and don't end
-- with a 1. In this format, there is exactly one way to write
-- every number.
-- ghci> clean $ CFrac [2, 3, 0, 16, -5, 8] -> [2,18,1,3,1,7]
-- ghci> clean $ CFrac [1,0] -> []
-- ghci> clean $ CFrac [1,0,1] -> [2]
-- ghci> clean $ CFrac [0,1,1,1] -> [0,1,2]
-- (Matrix Operations)
-- We need to iterate tensor multiplication to the desired
-- degree of precision.
-- ax + b
-- ------
-- cx + d
-- We can encode this as a matrix.
unCF :: CFrac -> [Integer]
unCF (CFrac l) = l
type Mtrx = (Integer,Integer,Integer,Integer)
type Tnsr = (Integer,Integer,Integer,Integer,Integer,Integer,Integer,Integer)
homo :: Mtrx -> [Integer] -> [Integer]
homo (a,_,c,_) [] = unCF $ q2cf (Q(a,c))
homo (0,b,0,d) _ = unCF $ q2cf (Q(b,d))
homo (a,b,c,d) cf | c>0 && d>0 && a//c == b//d = (a//c) : homo (c,d,a%c,b%d) cf
homo (a,b,c,d) (t:cf) = homo (t*a+b,a,t*c+d,c) cf
-- ghci> homo (0,1,1,0) [0,1,4,3] <- reciprocal finder
-- [1,4,3]
-- ghci> homo (5,0,0,1) [0,1,1,2] <- homo (x,0,0,1) multiplies by x.
-- [3]
bihomo :: Tnsr -> [Integer] -> [Integer] -> [Integer]
bihomo (a,b,_,_,e,f,_,_) [] ys = homo (a,b,e,f) ys
bihomo (a,_,c,_,e,_,g,_) xs [] = homo (a,c,e,g) xs
--bihomo (0,0,c,0,0,_,g,h) _ ys = homo (c,0,g,h) ys <- THIS WAS CAUSING IT
--bihomo (0,b,0,d,0,0,_,h) xs _ = homo (b,d,0,h) xs
bihomo (a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h) xs ys | (abs (e*f*g*h)) > 0 &&
(and$map (==(a//e)) [b//f,c//g,d//h]) =
(a//e) : bihomo (e,f,g,h,a%e,b%f,c%g,d%h) xs ys
bihomo (a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h) (x:xs) ys | (f*g*h==0) || (abs$Q(b,f) - Q(d,h)) > (abs$Q(c,g) - Q(d,h)) =
bihomo (a*x+c,b*x+d,a,b,e*x+g,f*x+h,e,f) xs ys
bihomo (a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h) xs (y:ys) = bihomo (a*y+b,a,c*y+d,c,e*y+f,e,g*y+h,g) xs ys
tAdd, tMul :: Tnsr
tAdd = (0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1)
tMul = (1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1)
cfAdd, cfSub, cfMul :: CFrac -> CFrac -> CFrac
cfAdd (CFrac x) (CFrac y) = CFrac (bihomo tAdd x y)
cfMul (CFrac x) (CFrac y) = CFrac (bihomo tMul x y)
cfSub (CFrac x) (CFrac y) = CFrac (bihomo tAdd x (unCF $ negate (CFrac y)))
-- ghci> q2cf$(cf2q$CFrac[1,9,1,2])*(cf2q$CFrac[4,2])
-- CFrac [4,1,28]
-- ghci> CFrac[1,9,1,2]*CFrac[4,2]
-- CFrac [4,1,28]
-- ghci> q2cf$(cf2q$CFrac[1,9,1,2])*(cf2q$CFrac[4,2])
-- CFrac [4,1,28]
-- ghci> CFrac[1,9,1,2]*CFrac[4,2]
-- CFrac [4,1,28]
-- ghci> q2cf$(cf2q$CFrac[1,9,1,2])*(cf2q$CFrac[0,4,2])
-- CFrac [0,4,12,1,4]
-- ghci> q2cf$(cf2q$CFrac[0,1,9,1,2])*(cf2q$CFrac[4,2])
-- CFrac [4,12,1,4]
-- ghci> q2cf$(cf2q$CFrac[0,1,9,1,2])*(cf2q$CFrac[0,4,2])
-- CFrac [0,4,1,28]
-- ghci> CFrac[1,9,1,2]*CFrac[0,4,2]
-- CFrac [0,4,12,1,4]
-- ghci> CFrac[0,1,9,1,2]*CFrac[4,2]
-- CFrac [4,12,1,4]
-- ghci> CFrac[0,1,9,1,2]*CFrac[0,4,2]
-- CFrac [0,4,1,28]
-- ghci>
instance Num CFrac where
(+) = cfAdd
(-) = cfSub
(*) = cfMul
negate = negateCF
signum f = case clean f of
CFrac [] -> CFrac [0]
CFrac [0] -> CFrac [0]
CFrac (0:_) -> CFrac [1]
CFrac (x:_) -> CFrac [signum x]
abs f = f * (signum f)
fromInteger j = CFrac [j]
instance Eq CFrac where
(==) x y = let (CFrac a, CFrac b) = (clean x, clean y) in a==b
instance Ord CFrac where
compare x y = case signum (x-y) of
CFrac [0] -> EQ
CFrac [1] -> GT
_ -> LT
instance Fractional CFrac where
(/) x y = cfMul x (recip y)
recip (CFrac xs) = clean (CFrac (0:xs))
fromRational r = q2cf $ Q (Data.Ratio.numerator r, Data.Ratio.denominator r)
cfIntDiv :: CFrac -> CFrac -> CFrac
cfIntDiv _ (CFrac [0]) = CFrac []
cfIntDiv x y | y < x = CFrac [0]
cfIntDiv x y = case x/y of
CFrac [] -> CFrac []
CFrac (i:_) -> CFrac [i]
cfMod :: CFrac -> CFrac -> CFrac
cfMod x y = x - ((cfIntDiv x y)*y)
-- ghci> cf2q (CFrac [0,7])
-- Q (1,7)
-- ghci> cf2q (CFrac [0,1,3])
-- Q (3,4)
-- ghci> cfIntDiv (CFrac [0,1,3]) (CFrac [0,7])
-- CFrac [5]
-- ghci> cfMod (CFrac [0,1,3]) (CFrac [0,7])
-- CFrac [0,28]
-- ghci> q2cf (4,7)
-- [0,1,1,3]
-- ghci> q2cf (3,4)
-- [0,1,3]
-- ghci> (4,7) + (3,4)
-- (37,28)
-- ghci> q2cf (37,28)
-- [1,3,9]
-- ghci> [0,1,1,3] + [0,1,3]
-- [1,3,9]
-- circumference over diameter
pi :: GCFrac
pi = GCFrac $ (0,4):p 1 1
where p a b = (b, a*a):p (a+1) (b+2)
π :: Integer -> CFrac
π = q2cf . (gcf2q_ Main.pi)
-- ghci> mapM (print . see . cf2q . π) [1..10]
-- 0.0
-- 4.0
-- 3.0
-- 3.1666666666666665
-- 3.1372549019607843
-- 3.142342342342342
-- 3.1414634146341465
-- 3.1416149068322983
-- 3.1415888250921244
-- 3.1415933118799275
exp :: Integer -> GCFrac
exp x = GCFrac $ (0,1):(1,-x):e' x 1
where e' x' i = (i+x',-i*x'):e' x' (i+1)
exp' :: Integer -> Integer -> CFrac
exp' x a = unGen $ GCFrac $ (0,1):(1,-x):e' x 1 a
where e' _ _ 0 = []
e' x' i a' = (i+x',-i*x'):e' x' (i+1) (a'-1)
-- ghci> see $ cf2q $ exp' 2 10
-- 7.388994708994709
-- ghci> 2.71828 * 2.71828
-- 7.3890461584
ln :: Integer -> GCFrac
ln xpo = let x = xpo-1 in GCFrac $ (0,x):l 1 x
where l n x = (n - ((n-1)*x), n*n*x):l (n+1) x
isqrt :: Integer -> Integer
isqrt = rr 1
where rr n nn = if (n*n) <= nn && (n*n+2*n+1) > nn then n
else rr ((n + nn//n) // 2) nn
iroot :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
iroot = rr 1
where rr n nn p = if (n^p) <= nn && ((n+1)^p) > nn
then n
else rr (((p-1)*n + nn//(n^(p-1))) // p) nn p
sqrt :: Integer -> GCFrac
sqrt i = let s = isqrt i in GCFrac $ (s, (i - s*s)) : cycle [(2*s, i - s*s)]
sqrt' :: Integer -> Integer -> CFrac
sqrt' i a = let s = isqrt i in unGen $ GCFrac $ (s, (i - s*s)) : take (fromInteger a) (cycle [(2*s, i - s*s)])
-- ghci> sqrt' 5 10
-- CFrac [2,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4]
-- ghci> sqrt' 18 10
-- CFrac [4,4,8,4,8,4,8,4,8,4,8]
-- ghci> sqrt' 97 10
-- CFrac [9,1,5,1,1,1,1,1,1,5,1,18,1,5,1,1,1,1,1,1,4,1,11,1,2,2,1,1,4]
-- ghci> sqrt' 97 20
-- CFrac [9,1,5,1,1,1,1,1,1,5,1,18,1,5,1,1,1,1,1,1,5,1,18,1,5,1,1,1,1,1,1,5,1,18,1,5,1,2,2,2,1,12,1,2,33,2,47]
pow :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> GCFrac
pow z m n =
let x = iroot z n in
let y = z - (x^n) in
let d = 2*x^n+y in
GCFrac $ (x^m, (x^m)*2*m*y) : (n*d-m*y, -(n*n - m*m)*y*y) : pp n m d y 2
where pp n' m' d y i = ((i+i-1)*n'*d, -(y*y*(i*i*n'*n' - m'*m'))) : pp n' m' d y (i+1)
q2gcf :: Q -> GCFrac
q2gcf = toGen . q2cf
gcf2q :: GCFrac -> Q
gcf2q (GCFrac []) = Q (1,0)
gcf2q (GCFrac((a,b):xs)) = let Q (n,d) = gcf2q (GCFrac xs) in Q (d*b + n*a, n)
gcf2q_ :: GCFrac -> Integer -> Q
gcf2q_ _ 0 = Q (1,0)
gcf2q_ (GCFrac[]) _ = Q (0,1)
gcf2q_ (GCFrac((a,b):xs)) i =
let Q (n,d) = gcf2q_ (GCFrac xs) (i-1) in
Q (d*b + n*a, n)
unGen :: GCFrac -> CFrac
unGen = q2cf . gcf2q
toGen :: CFrac -> GCFrac
toGen (CFrac l) = GCFrac (map ((,) 1) l)
gcfAdd, gcfSub, gcfMul, gcfDiv :: GCFrac -> GCFrac -> GCFrac
gcfAdd x y = toGen $ CFrac (bihomo tAdd (unCF $ unGen x) (unCF $ unGen y))
gcfMul x y = toGen $ CFrac (bihomo tAdd (unCF $ unGen x) (unCF $ unGen y))
gcfSub x y = toGen $ ((unGen x) - (unGen y))
gcfDiv x y = toGen $ ((unGen x) / (unGen y))
instance Num GCFrac where
(+) = gcfAdd
(-) = gcfSub
(*) = gcfMul
negate = q2gcf . negate . gcf2q
signum = q2gcf . signum . gcf2q
abs = q2gcf . abs . gcf2q
fromInteger j = GCFrac [(j,1)]
instance Fractional GCFrac where
(/) = gcfDiv
recip = ((GCFrac [(1,1)])/)
fromRational r = q2gcf (Q(Data.Ratio.numerator r, Data.Ratio.denominator r))
qShow :: Q -> String
qShow (Q(_,0)) = ""
qShow (Q(0,_)) = ""
qShow (Q(n,d)) = (show (n//d)) ++ "." ++ (qShow' (Q(10*(n - ((n//d)*d)),d)))
where qShow' = (sans '.') . qShow
sans _ [] = []
sans c (x:xs) = if c==x then sans c xs else x : sans c xs
-- https://hsinhaoyu.github.io/cont_frac/
-- Gosper, "Continued Fraction Arithmetic"
-- https://srossd.com/posts/2020-09-18-gosper-1/
-- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Continued_fraction
-- https://r-knott.surrey.ac.uk/Fibonacci/cfINTRO.html
-- https://web.archive.org/web/20130501130333/http://paul-mccarthy.us/Cfrac/CF_Arithmetic.htm
-- instance Ord CFrac where
-- (<=) x y = let c = y - x in if c==[] then True else head c >= 0
-- power :: CFrac -> CFrac -> CFrac
-- power xs ys = do
-- let (a,b) = vnoc ys
-- [(4,1),(1,3),(4,5),(9,7),(16,9)]
-- toStd :: GCFrac
-- toMtrx :: [Integer] -> Mtrx
-- toMtrx [[a,b],[c,d]] = (a,b,c,d)
-- toMtrx _ = (0,0,0,0)
-- (#) :: Mtrx -> Mtrx -> Mtrx
-- (m1,m2,m3,m4) # (n1,n2,n3,n4) = toMtrx [[sum $ zipWith (*) r c | c <- transpose n] | r <- m]
-- where (m,n) = ([[m1,m2],[m3,m4]],[[n1,n2],[n3,n4]])
-- Continued fractions work better as matrices: here's a new version of cf2q_ .
-- Homographic transformations
-- hm, h_ :: Integer -> Mtrx
-- hm a = (a,1,1,0)
-- h_ b = (0,1,1,b)
-- cf_convergents_ :: Integer -> CFrac -> [Q]
-- cf_convergents_ i (CFrac cf) = conv (1, 0, 0, 1) i cf
-- where conv _ _ [] = []
-- conv _ 0 _ = []
-- conv m i' (x:xs) = let q@(a,_,b,_) = (m # (hm x)) in Q (a, b) : conv q (i'-1) xs
-- ghci> map see $ cf_convergents_ 7 (1 : cycle [2]) ->
-- [1.0,1.5,1.4,1.4166666666666667,1.4137931034482758,1.4142857142857144,1.4142011834319526]
-- transpose :: Mtrx -> Mtrx
-- transpose (xs:xss) = map (map (:) xs) (transpose xss)
-- Homographic transformations
-- h, h_ :: Integer -> Mtrx
-- h a = [[a,1],[1,0]]
-- h_ b = [[0,1],[1,b]]
-- atran :: Tnsr -> Mtrx -> Tnsr
-- atran tsss mss =
-- [[[sum $ zipWith (*) ts ms
-- | ms <- mss]
-- | ts <- tss]
-- | tss <- tsss]
-- btran :: Mtrx -> Tnsr -> Tnsr
-- btran mss tsss =
-- [[[sum $ zipWith (*) ts ms
-- | ts <- tss]
-- | ms <- mss]
-- | tss <- tsss]
-- apply_ab :: Tnsr -> Integer -> Bool -> Tnsr
-- apply_ab t i True = atran t (h i)
-- apply_ab t i False = btran (h_ i) t
-- plus :: CFrac -> CFrac -> CFrac
-- plus = cfAdd tAdd True
-- where
-- cfAdd t b (0:_) (0:_) = []
-- cfAdd t True (x:c1) (y:c2) = let t' = apply_ab t x True in let k = qrTensor t' in
-- if isJust $ fst k
-- then (getNum $ fst k) : cfAdd (snd k) False c1 (y:c2)
-- else cfAdd (snd k) True c1 (y:c2)
-- cfAdd t False (x:c1) (y:c2) = let t' = apply_ab t y False in let k = qrTensor t' in
-- if isJust $ fst k
-- then (getNum $ fst k) : cfAdd (snd k) True (x:c1) c2
-- else cfAdd (snd k) False (x:c1) c2
-- cfAdd t b [] [] = cfAdd t b [] []
-- cfAdd t b [] c2 = cfAdd t b [0] c2
-- cfAdd t b c1 [] = cfAdd t b c1 [0]
-- A Homographic
-- eucTens :: Tnsr -> [(Int, Tnsr)]
-- eucTens [[[0,0],[0,0]], _] = []
-- eucTens t@[[[aaa,aab],[aba,abb]],[[baa,bab],[bba,bbb]]] =
-- let r = if baa > 0 && bab > 0 && bba > 0 && bbb > 0
-- then [[aba//]]
-- else (Nothing, [[[1, 0],[0, 1]],[[1, 0],[0, 1]]])
-- qrTensor :: Tnsr -> (Maybe Integer, Tnsr)
-- qrTensor t@[[[aaa,aab],[aba,abb]],[[baa,bab],[bba,bbb]]] =
-- if all (>0) [aaa, aab, aba, abb] then
-- let (w,x,y,z) = (baa//aaa, bab//aab, bba//aba, bbb//abb) in
-- if w==x && y==z && x==z then (Just x, [[[baa,bab],[bba,bbb]],[[aaa-x*baa, aab-x*bab],[aba-x*bba, abb-x*bbb]]])
-- else (Nothing, t)
-- else (Nothing, t)
-- cfArith :: CFrac -> CFrac -> Tnsr -> CFrac
-- cfArith xs ys t False